Participation: The project involved 168citizens, notabl 67 participantsfromthe city ofMiercurea Nirajului (Romania),29participants from the cityof Aszod(Hungary), 23 participants from the cityofSzerencs(Hungary),24 participants from the cityofOrkeny(Hungary), 25 participants from the cityofStadt Worth am Donau(Germany)etc.
Location/ Dates: The event took place inMiercurea Nirajului(Romania), from31/07/2015to 02/08/2015
Short description:
The dayof 31/07/2015was dedicated to:
-Receiving guests, giving instructions on accommodation
-Official reception, presentation of the program of events, followed by lunch
-"Hiking in Niraj Valley" - trip for adults and children to visit the major sights
-Theater program for children
-Outdoor cinema: documentary about the European Union from the beginning until today for the youth and adults
- Outdoor program - concerts.
The dayof 01/08/2015was dedicated to:
- "A stronger and united Europe" EU policy debate and how EU policies affect people's lives;
- Lunch
- Meeting of representatives of NGOs from twinned towns, debates
Questions about the European Union and games for young kids and students
- Interactive cultural programs
- Free program
- Dinner
- Outdoor Programs... etc.
The dayof 02/08/2015was dedicated to:
Summary of the event, the official closing programs and discussions about future plans of organizing these events as a continuum